The Bottom Line Pharmacy Podcast Maximizing Your Online Presence
If you’re thinking about expanding into compounding pharmacy services, you do not want to miss this episode.
When it comes to marketing a compounding pharmacy, it’s important to remember that most of the general public does not know what a compounding pharmacy is.
This is why you need to educate your community on not only what you offer but also why what you offer is important.
On this episode of The Bottom Line Pharmacy Podcast, we sit down with Mandy Mahoney from Storey Marketing to discuss strategies for compounding pharmacies, digital marketing fundamentals, and more!
Join the discussion with us below!
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Scotty: All right. Well, welcome everybody to another episode here of The Bottom Line Pharmacy Podcast. And today we have Mandy Mahoney with Storey Marketing. And Mandy, we met at the PCCA conference this past October. I’ve seen Storey Marketing on the General Ledgers when we’ve been reviewing a few pharmacy clients of our own. So, some of our clients, I know you use you guys, but it was nice to meet you in person there at the show. We got in some interesting conversation and obviously, especially around compounding because I believe that’s more of your niche area there…
Mandy Mahoney: It is.
Scotty: If I’m not mistaken. How important marketing is in that area, and it is extremely important. So, if you’ll just kind of kick us off and give us your experience in that in that area.
Mandy Mahoney: Sure. Just in general, I think most communities don’t even understand what compounding is. So, most pharmacies have to go out and start at ground zero to introduce what compounding is, how that sets them apart from a regular retail pharmacy that people see on every street corner. So, we’ve always centered around not just marketing, but education. So, we provide materials both print and digitally, that have more of an education basis they are referenced, so the pharmacist can back up what they’re saying, we also follow APC to follow their marketing guidelines. Of course, we attend other shows like PCCA and we take a very conservative approach because we have to be aware of the laws and so we’re always very, very careful. So, that definitely sets us apart from using just a local marketing company that the materials we provide and the content we provide is very, if they’re ever questioned, they have references to back up that information.
Scotty: So, they’re industry specific.
Mandy Mahoney: Correct.
Scotty: I mean, you’re talking about semaglutide or whatever. I think I pronounced that right.
Mandy Mahoney: You did. And even that topic. I mean, we have to be so careful. I mean, there’s so much regulation around it. And obviously it’s all over the Internet. So, we try to not even mention specific drug names, but more focus around the services that the pharmacy offers. So, if they’re getting into semiglutide, they may talk about, we can offer alternatives to the injection to help you manage your weight, you know, instead of making, they can’t make claims about what they’re doing and guarantee that they’re going to experience weight loss or you know a healthy lifestyle. It’s more of we offer help, we offer support, we offer alternatives. So, we try to keep those pretty general and focus on the service and the patient care more so than we can compound this specific thing.
Bonnie: Well, that’s really interesting to think about, you know, when you think about marketing, you think you’re just marketing to, you know, the business to people, but actually, like you said, taking something like compounding and needing to actually educate.
Mandy Mahoney: Right.
Bonnie: Is a big piece, because I could see that in the town that I’m from. I think if someone opened a compounding shop around here, people, you know, would be a little confused as to exactly what that is, but it could be very beneficial. So, it’s really about educating and then marketing the actual business itself kind of 2 pieces to that. Yeah.
Mandy Mahoney: Yeah, and plus, they also have to not just to the patients in the community, but then help to get that information in the prescriber’s hands because they can’t help them if they can’t get a prescription. So.
Bonnie: Or if they aren’t talking to them about that. So, that’s where, you know, dealing with your providers and talking and having relationships with your providers in the area is so very important.
Mandy Mahoney: Right, right.
Scotty: So, there’s two sides to it, there’s the patient side marketing and then there’s a prescriber side marketing. What, so if you’re a pharmacy out there, and every now and again, we’ll hear pharmacies talk about, you know, I’m going to expand compounding. I do a little bit I want to expand into and grow it or I want to start compounding, from a marketing perspective, how would you, how should a pharmacy approach that from a marketing perspective? Just getting started in there or really wanting to grow their marketing?
Mandy Mahoney: From our standpoint, what we try to do is take a very holistic approach with them. So, if someone comes to us and they’re just starting, that’s kind of our favorite because we can start and get them started on the right foot right from the beginning, and so setting up consistent information on their website, obviously putting that right on the homepage that they offer compounding, what that is, what falls under that, you know, some people might not even understand why would I need a customized medication, so giving examples of things that they might specialize in like hormone therapy or vet medications, those sorts of examples help educate them. Also setting up the proper social media channels. We always tell people you don’t have to be everywhere but think of where your patients are and most of our clients start with Facebook and Instagram to post patient-based information, LinkedIn is frequently overlooked. For sure the pharmacist/owner should have their own LinkedIn page to share information as well as the pharmacy page itself, because that could be where they connect with providers is on LinkedIn. And so, they may share more detailed information on there. So, we try to get all of those entities set up correctly obviously having a good Google Business Profile is also key. So, if they’re adding compounding, they’ll want to add that to their service options on their listing. Again, Google Business Profiles are extremely overlooked it is free and its very good organic search engine placement if you…
Bonnie: Right.
Mandy Mahoney: Have it set up properly and are utilizing it. And the more information you can provide on that profile, the better it ranks. And we run into, you know, everybody wants to be first on Google and doing these foundational things is really key. And they, most of the time they don’t even need to pay for ongoing SEO if they have these other entities set up correctly and consistently and are using them.
Scotty: Interesting.
Bonnie: We can relate with having things set up correctly from the beginning. We’re big advocates of that in the accounting world.
Mandy Mahoney: I’m sure.
Bonnie: When you said that earlier, I was like, yes. That’s what I always say, if you could do it right from the beginning and set up a good foundation from the beginning, it makes everything so much easier.
Mandy Mahoney: So, well, in our world, we find, you know, they might have a friend from church set up their website or their kids set up their Facebook page, but then it’s 5 years later. That person has moved on and now nobody knows who owns the website, can’t access the website. So, we spend a lot of time helping people clean up their mess essentially.
Bonnie: Right.
Mandy Mahoney: And get everything, and a lot of times we find that pharmacists and business owners in general, just don’t realize the importance of owning those online entities, it’s just as important as owning, you know, physical aspects of your business. So, you would be amazed how many of those cleanups we have to do. I would say, you know, more than half of our clients come and don’t realize kind of what the digital mess is that they have.
Bonnie: Yeah, we get it on a whole different level. See, that’s exactly, we do totally different things, but we’re in sync on that.
Mandy Mahoney: Yes. Yes.
Scotty: Yeah, so what are the most what do you guys think in just terms of marketing or the most like top three things a pharmacy needs to have in place for marketing. Obviously, a website.
Mandy Mahoney: Definitely a website even…
Scotty: That is maybe updated, you know, you need to be updating it and stuff.
Mandy Mahoney: I mean, 100 percent and we try to, it has to be user friendly. So, I mean, the industry standard is to redesign a website every 2 to 3 years. So, it is honestly just very difficult for most businesses to keep up with that. But if you’re keeping your content current, have tools on the site that both patients and practitioners can use. So, ordering online refills, online transfers, but beyond that in the compounding world, you know, if they’re doing consultations, they can have people fill out those forms ahead of time, they can take payment, we have several that sell nutritional supplements within an online store as part of their website. So definitely having a website that is easy to use. From the practitioner side, a lot of, because of compounding, they’re educating normally a lot of our customers have practitioner portals where they house additional information that they just don’t want out on the web. So, the doctor could log in to get ideas of how to prescribe. There could be videos back there, but that just gives them a kind of a more. Exclusive access point to the pharmacy to get that additional information. So, for sure, a user-friendly website with tools that the community can use. Most people, now, if you don’t have a Facebook page as a business, they don’t think that’s legitimate. So, I would say for sure a Facebook page and your Google Business Profile are, to claim your business profile and update that. And I would say those are the top three things you should be doing online. Now within the print world, it’s a whole different ball game, because it really does depend on the local area. You know, our local area. We don’t have a compounder. I think our closest 1 is an hour away. So, they may want to utilize email marketing, for instance, to reach our community. Because if we needed a compounder, we would very easily drive to that city to use them. So, they may consider email. A lot of people aren’t doing mail products so much anymore, but we do, sometimes we have practitioner newsletters that they can mail either print or email versions to, and sometimes mail gets more attention because we just simply don’t get a lot of it now. So, it’s not completely dead, it just depends on the relationship. With your, you know, community. And having handouts and things in the pharmacy is also really important, you know, if they’re coming to, if it’s a hybrid pharmacy and they’re coming to pick up, you know, their monthly medication, they may need a supplement because that medication might cause a deficiency that they’re unaware of. So, having even handouts on hand that they could hand out as they’re checking out.
Bonnie: And Mandy my guess would be that, you know, we’ve got pharmacies that do all of their advertising solely on social media. So, and then we have others that do, they still do some print, billboards, and things of that nature. So, I guess it all comes back to knowing your customer base, knowing that community and figuring out what makes sense and what works in your community as far as advertising. Am I correct on that?
Mandy Mahoney: 100%. Yes.
Bonnie: And even if you don’t believe in print advertising, there could be scenarios that make sense for that.
Mandy Mahoney: And we still do a lot of traditional tri fold brochures, a lot of our pharmacies just have those on hand for the various compounding specialties, and people might peruse through and even if it makes them aware that you offer that service, then that dollar piece of paper was probably worth it, and a lot of people do put their QR codes on there. So, if it’s a hormone brochure, they can put a QR that goes to their consultation page, you know, whatever the situation is, but the printed materials definitely do have a place. And we have our brochures have been really really popular because they do just keep them kind of as a resource center in the pharmacy.
Scotty: I’m old school. I like, I like paper.
Bonnie: He likes picking it up.
Mandy Mahoney: I do too.
Scotty: I like, I like to read a piece of paper.
Bonnie: But your dad does not. He tells everybody you shouldn’t have any of that. Don’t waste your money on that.
Scotty: Yeah. All right. How about this one? If you’re going to bring him up, what about the, what’s your opinion on billboards?
Mandy Mahoney: We, honestly, our company, we don’t do a ton of that. I mean, we’ve done logo design and things, and if set up properly, they could use it on a billboard. I mean, I know here in our local community, everybody, there’s, we notice the billboards around. We don’t have tons of them, so the small businesses in our town use them and get lots of bang for their buck. So, I do think again, it depends on the demographic and the cost. I mean, if you’re in downtown Pittsburgh, you know, doing a billboard there is way more expensive than doing it here in our hometown. So.
Bonnie: We have some clients that have done some very creative billboards that I probably can’t mention. I’m not going to. Some fun ways to bring people into the pharmacy. So, I think that there’s a place, like you said, and this person is a compounder. And so that’s for another day, but she has quirky ways of explaining what she does and how to get them into the pharmacy. So, we also in the past have, I think we still have a few, I don’t know what your feeling is on this, but some clients that use the commercials they kind of roll through, again, it works, I think in their area, during kind of the soaps during the day.
Mandy Mahoney: That would make sense.
Bonnie: People that are home that are watching the soaps, they’re hitting up that local, you know, commercial timeframe there in midday.
Mandy Mahoney: Well, and we all know that mostly it’s the female in the household that usually is in charge of the health care. So, that’s exactly the audience you’re speaking to. So, yeah, I think that’s great. And we’ve had people that have delved into even some of the streaming channels, I haven’t heard any results, it’s nothing that we offer here just because we don’t have recording studios and things, but it’s definitely something to look into. And even in the podcast world, I mean, there could be a place to, I mean, there’s so many, so to do advertising.
Scotty: What about, so a lot of people, people like younger crowds just don’t have TVs now, they, you know, YouTube or something. So, what about YouTube commercials?
Mandy Mahoney: That’s definitely, yeah, that’s definitely a worthwhile investment and it depends on your demographic. I mean, some people are targeting the younger demographic, but like our hormone customers are typically middle to older age. So, it just depends where your people are so yeah.
Bonnie: I think that’s the takeaway here is you’ve got to know, which we talk about that with everything on products that you offer services that you’re offering. It could be something that you’re really into, and you really love, but if it doesn’t work for your demographic, you’re not going to sell it. You know, it has to be you have to cater to what’s there for you. Now, I think there is a part of educating like with compounding and like you mentioned, explaining it and making people aware of what’s there and what it could do to help them. But I have a very serious question for you, Mandy, being that you guys, you mentioned social media. Do you guys offer any help with like TikTok dances and choreography and all that for those types of things?
Mandy Mahoney: We do not.
Bonnie: Okay.
Mandy Mahoney: We don’t because those need to be much more natural.
Scotty: You could hire Bonnie!
Mandy Mahoney: They need to be much more natural…
Bonnie: I’ve tried to get Ollin to do one for us but…
Scotty: Bonnie’s begging us to do that.
Bonnie: Yeah. I just think Ollin doing a TikTok dance for us would really take us to that next level.
Mandy Mahoney: No, all those, all those short video forms, whether it’s Instagram reels, you know, Facebook lives, all of those things are extremely successful, but they have to be natural. I mean, if you, they can tell if you’re reading a script.
Bonnie: I do see a couple of our clients that do them and they seem, I mean, I think for their communities, they, it helps them having a personal approach to and people feel comfortable and they like them and they kind of start to, you know, we’ve had one that always has her dog in the videos that stays there at the pharmacy and everybody loves the dog and they dress up the dog and it’s their thing, you know, again, wouldn’t work for everyone, but they do that. But we have a couple that their staff or do dances, little fun dances.
Mandy Mahoney: Right.
Bonnie: Once or twice a week. And it kind of shows, I think the staff like it. I think it incorporates everybody and they have a good time with it in the right context. Yeah.
Mandy Mahoney: We’ve also encouraged people to do, you know, like a demonstration video, you know, or a lab tour, you know, it might not be as fun as a dance, but even just that interest level. And we do also, you have to be careful what is happening in the background. You know, if somebody’s compounding, even if you’re just staging it for online, they need to have their gloves on. They need to be proper, like they’re doing it for real. Or, you know, even if they’re doing a silly dance in the front, is there somebody standing behind them doing something that they shouldn’t be doing?
Bonnie: There’s been people that have gotten in trouble with TikToks and that sort of thing. I know there was a nurse that, you know, had her badge on.
Bonnie: And you could see, like, where she worked and everything, and she Got in big trouble for it. So. You gotta be careful!
Mandy Mahoney: Mmm.
Mandy Mahoney: Right. So we do give them, we do give those sorts of tips, like, and even for their still photos on their website, you know, be aware what’s in the background, you know, is somebody’s lunch sitting on the counter or, you know, whatever the situation is, even if it’s a staged photo, they have to be really, really careful that they’re doing it correctly, because it could certainly get attention they don’t need or want. So.
Bonnie: Right. Yes.
Scotty: So, I think Bonnie. I think she was saying our demographic is not into TikTok.
Bonnie: I think you’re wrong. I think people would like it!
Mandy Mahoney: I think it could, it does work and they definitely get attention. So.
Bonnie: It’s what kind of attention do you want?
Scotty: Don’t give Austin any ideas. He’ll have us dance the next thing.
Bonnie: Yes, I need to get with Austin. Yes.
Mandy Mahoney: And that could make the CPA world much more exciting for people.
Bonnie: We’re a fun, exciting group! I know, I tell him this. I’m, you know, we’re not kind of known to be exciting and fun. So, we need something.
Scotty: Well, there’s a reason why. I mean, we’re just nerds.
Bonnie: We’ll do something for like the last day, April 15th. It’ll be like a fun…
Mandy Mahoney: There you go. That’s perfect.
Scotty: You can do it. What else what else Mandy is you see in the marketing world that pharmacies need to pay attention to or have on their radar these days.
Mandy Mahoney: One, I mean, we can, we do lots of little do’s and don’ts when we send things out. So, one thing that we take very, we’re very cautious about, I mean, people put forms on their website. They may just throw up a Google form, but if you’re collecting information from your patients, you need to be sure it’s HIPAA compliant. So, all forms, whether it’s a contact form or whatever on a website, we would use a HIPAA compliant form, because you never know what people are going to. Tell you and that just saves paperwork, because if they share things they shouldn’t, then that just opens new cans of worms. There’s also other online things that people just are not aware of or even like a small, you know, my friend from church who built my website aren’t aware of is ADA compliance, having your site accessible to people with varying abilities is very important and it has opened people up to lawsuits if they can’t navigate your site using a keyboard or different devices. So, depending, I mean, there’s. It’s simply a plug in that we add on to the site so that then those tools are available for people who need them and also the proper, you know, legal language associated with that. They all have to have their notice of privacy practices for HIPAA on their site, cookie compliance, I mean, we’ve all had to accept cookies on sites, that is not federally mandated, but it’s coming, and it is in certain states. So, if someone contacts you from a state where it is mandated, you know, there’s issues. So, when we are going through a go live process on a website, it is nearly a full day process because we’re installing all these other safeguards that are required. So, that they are compliant in all ways that we can control. So, those are commonly overlooked. Accessibility and people-friendly is a huge marketing standpoint. I know on, I mean, this is just a Google fun ti, if on your Google profile, it asks all sorts of questions about, you know, is your, do you have a. , accessible restroom, whether it’s public or not. If it’s accessible to someone in a wheelchair, you can add that to your profile. , and it just shows you’re welcoming to more people depending, you know, if you’re black owned, women owned, all those sorts of things, there’s so many options on the back end of Google. And those sorts of things show that you are friendly to the general population and anyone is accepted and Google will place you higher. If you’re showing those things. So, I mean, those are simple toggles on the back end.
Scotty: I didn’t know Google had that back end and that’s free you said?
Mandy Mahoney: Yes, once you’ve claimed your profile…
Scotty: That’s an automatic. I mean, if you’re a pharmacy out there, you need to just go do that.
Mandy Mahoney: 100%. And we, I mean, obviously we do that for people because Google also has in order to claim your listing, if it hasn’t been claimed, you have to go through a verification process. So, sometimes that can be a little painful but completing that profile and you can post to your Google profile, like you post to Facebook or any other platform. If you have an online store, you can stream your products. Obviously, Google reviews are a huge, huge factor in ranking.
Bonnie: I was going to say asking people to leave those…
Mandy Mahoney: Yes. And so having, having a HIPAA compliant manner to request those reviews. Responding to reviews. I mean, that’s something a lot of people forget, you know, as people are sending you reviews, even if it’s just a star rating, responding to that review, obviously in a private manner, so you’re not saying like, thanks for letting us, you know, prescribe, giving you your hormones. But as much like keywords as you can use in that response, like, thank you for using our compounding pharmacy, without being awkward, but responding to reviews is huge. And also all any content on that profile goes towards your rankings, so. And that’s all easy things to do. I mean, we all get notifications when we get a review from our Google profile or your Facebook profile. So, keeping those things current and that also includes negative reviews. You know, a lot of times, you know, people may write it off and be like, well, that person was just grumpy that day. You or another consumer does not know that, and they might be like, wow, that person really had a terrible experience. And then so writing a thoughtful response and giving them a way to resolve the issue is really important to do that publicly. And even if it is saying, contact us, you know, call the pharmacy and…
Bonnie: We’d love to make it right.
Mandy Mahoney: Right. Just so they know that you care and yeah, everybody makes mistakes. I mean, it’s unusual to see everybody have a perfect profile, but if you have, you know, hundreds of five stars and then you have, you know, a couple lower stars, as long as you’ve, you know, responded properly, you know, admitted wrong. If you did actually make the mistake or whatever, that helps so much and that’s more of a grassroots kind of things to help. But we do have a full reputation management system that helps people send out review requests, whether it’s by email, whether it’s by text, so there are ways to do that without taking the awkwardness out of it of like, can you give us a review? And a lot of people have utilized QR codes to put, whether it’s a sign or could be a bag clipper when you give them a prescription, you know, you’re not supposed to do any sort of incentives, like scan this and get a gift or whatever. But, if someone says they’re happy with your service, there’s nothing wrong with asking for a review after that.
Scotty: Yeah, those reviews go a long way.
Mandy Mahoney: They do. And that will come down. If there’s three pharmacies right in one town, Google will place them higher. If it’s like, well, this person has 100 reviews and this one has 2, it will rank you by that so.
Scotty: I got this sun blaring in my eyes.
[laugh break]
Bonnie: Got the natural light going today.
[laugh break]
Scotty: Oh, Bonnie, did you catch that? That when you’ve made a mistake just admitting that you’re wrong. You know, you heard that part, right?
Bonnie: Yep. Are you insinuating something?
Scotty: I’m just messing. Well, Mandy, I think we’re coming up on about a half hour here. Bonnie, you want to drop the…
Bonnie: Sure. So, Mandy, at the end of each of our podcasts, we like to have a bottom line, The Bottom Line Pharmacy Podcast, kind of take away from, quick take away from our, what we’ve discussed. So, I’m going to go first because I like to go first, that way nobody takes mine. I’m going back to the very beginning, which made a lot of sense and something very simple. But, you know, the marketing I’m taking away here, especially with pharmacy is to really not to just promote the business, it’s also to educate and educate about the products there. So that’s a big key. I think. I hope our clients that are listening will take that away from this as well, is to not just say, “hey, I’m here”, but also “these are the things that we do and why”, and that gets more people, you know, maybe interested in something they haven’t tried yet that may help them.
Scotty: I think that’s a good point because a lot of times you hear about the marketing to the providers, doctors, and stuff. You don’t really hear a whole lot about marketing specifically to patients on the other side. So, I think that’s, they go hand in hand, obviously.
Mandy Mahoney: I guess mine is do some hygiene. Do look into, is your website current? Most people I would hope by now have a mobile responsive site, but just looking at your site, is it current? Your staff is, you know, are those photos current on your site? Do you own your site? I mean, looking at your different profiles and just. Taking a look at the back end and seeing who has access. You could have old employees on a Facebook page and not be aware. So, I know that’s not really a marketing tip, but just a wise business practice. Just take a look at all of these online entities. Do you have access to your own pages that represent the business that you own? And then from there, make sure that they are consistent and you’re talking about the same thing because the more those words are out there, the better you will perform online.
Bonnie: I would just like to say that that’s a hard one because…
Mandy Mahoney: Yes.
Bonnie: Scotty and I have been involved in our website to a small degree over the last 10 years. And it seems like, by the time you do all the work to get it updated. You’re only good for about 6 months and it’s time to start the process again.
Mandy Mahoney: And we are just as guilty.
Bonnie: Yes!
Mandy Mahoney: So, it is really hard. Because it’s not like we’re taking care of our customers. And actually, I was on our own site today and I’m like “oh, I see we have some things that need to be updated.” So, it is something that we try to put on our calendars as just a normal, you know, just as you’re paying your bills, you know, whether it’s once a month or every other month, just take a look and make sure everything is current, like things like your hours. I mean, with COVID people who change their hours can sit a lot. And so, there’s a lot of those profiles out there that have different hours, which is a frustration and could cause bad reviews. So, making sure all that information is correct is really important.
Scotty: So do it, do a checkup on your marketing. If you have no idea what you’re doing there, do a check up.
Bonnie: Oh, I got another one. Start from the ground up doing it right.
Mandy Mahoney: Yes. Yes.
Bonnie: That goes for accounting too. Just a plug.
Mandy Mahoney: Yep, A hundred percent.
Bonnie: Speaking of that, I’m going to take this opportunity. Cause I know this podcast will probably come out beforehand. There’s another ownership workshop for NCPA coming up in March. So, anybody that hears this that wants to look into that, looking at maybe owning your own store, it’s a good time to start from the ground up.
Scotty: And marketing. Marketing is a big piece of that workshop.
Bonnie: It is.
Mandy Mahoney: Correct.
Scotty: It’s an ownership workshop and marketing is a big piece of it. So, what does that tell?
Bonnie: Yep. And starting from the ground up, getting everything right from the beginning.
Mandy Mahoney: Yep. And you start marketing before you open. I mean, that’s the other thing. We’ll have people say, hey, my grand openings this weekend. I’m ready to start my website. It’s like, no, no, no, no. So, you need to be prepared, you know, put the teasers out and say, you know, this pharmacy is coming soon. Even if it’s a landing page and you have your full site launch closer to opening, that’s also really key to make a plan for putting those teasers out there that you’re coming and you’re opening soon on all the platforms.
Bonnie: Scotty loves the landing page.
Scotty: I do?
Bonnie: I’m kidding.
[Laugh break]
Scotty: Oh yeah, there’s like one year, I don’t know, like five, ten years ago.
Bonnie: He had so many landing pages for different things.
Scotty: I had a landing page for this, I guess that was the thing back then.
Mandy Mahoney: Yes.
Scotty: I’m like, how many landing pages do we have? Why don’t we just send them to the home page? You know, if you come here, go to the homepage.
Bonnie: Yeah, well I get it if you don’t have your normal page ready, but so once you…
Scotty: I don’t know, don’t ask me. I don’t want anything to do with websites.
Bonnie: We don’t want anything to do with marketing anymore. We had to kind of help with some marketing, Mandy, God bless you, because we had to kind of step into that role for about six months last year and as accountants, we didn’t know what we were doing. We did the best we could.
Scotty: Stick to my numbers, my tax returns, my pharmacies.
Mandy Mahoney: Yeah, that’s exactly what we tell people, you know, stay in your lane.
Scotty: Stay in your lane. Yes.
Bonnie: Do what you do best, and we’ll take care of the accounting. You take care of the marketing, Mandy.
Mandy Mahoney: Right.
Scotty: Yep.
Mandy Mahoney: That’s right. And y’all take care of your patients out there.
Bonnie: Yes.
Scotty: And grow your pharmacy. Well, Mandy, thank you so much for joining us today. And we appreciate you having on. This was a good time. And we’ll have to do it again sometime.