Closeup of train tracks crossing

Pharmacy Buy/Sell Advisory Services

Start your pharmacy transition with our decades of knowledge.

Buying a Pharmacy or Selling a Pharmacy

Whether you are buying your first store or selling your tenth store, pharmacy growth and transition require careful planning with experienced advisors. Are you a PIC ready for pharmacy ownership? Are you a multi-store owner? Are you a long-time independent pharmacist considering retirement? We can help you at any stage of buying a pharmacy and how to sell a pharmacy.

Tell us about the next steps in your pharmacy business plan and life.

Smiling pharmacist speaking with patient
Ollin Sykes portrait

Ollin Sykes, CPA.CITP, CMA


Comeback Stories. Healthy Start-Ups. Successful Owners.

Donovan Bentley
“We were thinking of doing a start-up and found out really quickly that wasn’t the right move for us. Luckily, we reached out to you.”
Alicia Wolfe
“We have eight stores. They know where we need extra guidance and the areas we can handle on our own.”
Jonas Moretz
“We ended up with six groups of people who wanted to buy it, and I sold my pharmacy in 2016.”

Looking for pharmacy growth guidance?