Independent Pharmacy Accounting

Have You Discovered Sykes University for Pharmacies?

Accountants and advisors who focus on independent pharmacies are very different from bookkeepers. At Sykes & Company, P.A., we offer guidance and resources for all aspects of your pharmacy business, including staff training.

We work with hundreds of existing pharmacies nationwide, including successful start-up pharmacies. Sykes University offers a series of videos that shows you the advantages of choosing our team.

Learn about the Sykes & Company, P.A. pharmacy accounting model, the type of technology that will make your services seamless, what to expect in the first year as a client and more.

Sykes University also offers a video series on buying a pharmacy or selling a pharmacy business. Learn how your pharmacy advisor at Sykes & Company, P.A. can prepare you for a successful transaction.

If you are ready for an advisory relationship with your CPA that supports your career and business growth, we are ready to help.

More Independent Pharmacy Resources

View our media library page for articles and videos about independent pharmacy operations, accounting updates, tax planning and investing in new product lines or services.


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