Buying a Pharmacy, Selling a Pharmacy

Buying and Selling Pharmacies: The Right Path to Financial Independence

Owning and operating an independent pharmacy is highly competitive, but it can also be highly profitable with the right legal and accounting advisors. In this webinar, Ollin Sykes, CPA, and Scotty Sykes, CPA, of Sykes & Company, P.A. and Jeffrey Baird, J.D., chairman of the Health Care Group of Brown & Fortunato, P.C., discussed the legal and financial issues — and hurdles — of buying or selling a pharmacy.

Learn why certain KPIs of the pharmacy are so important when valuing a pharmacy operation. If selling a pharmacy, how do you improve operations to increase profits at the time of sale? As a buyer, how can a knowledgeable CPA and attorney guide you through acquisition or start-up options while also setting the stage for your success? Learn how to find the right path toward buying or selling.

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