Compounding pharmacies, Retail pharmacies, Independent Pharmacy Accounting, Pharmacy Growth, Tax

The Bottom Line Pharmacy Podcast | Pharmacy Insights: 2025 Tax Changes, Master The Margin, and Industry Changes

Mastering The Margins In Your Pharmacy! Independent Pharmacy Fireside Chat.

In this episode of The Bottom Line Pharmacy Podcast, we’re taking a step away from our guest interviews to bring you some start of 2025 updates.  

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP and Bonnie Bond, CPA discuss:  

  • 2025 tax changes 
  • The launch of Master The Margin 
  • Tax season best practices for independent pharmacies

Join the discussion with us! 

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More resources on this topic:

Schedule an Rx Assessment

Podcast | Master The Margin | Tax Reform Update 

Podcast | Pharmacy Insights: PBM Updates, Tax Tips, and Thanksgiving 

Blog | Maximize Pharmacy State and Local Deductions (SALT) 

Blog | Tax-Smart Depreciation on Pharmacy Buildings and Equipment 

If you prefer to read this content, the video transcript is below:

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Going to be a lot of interesting changes 2025. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Because the changes are coming. They’re going to do something. Something’s going to happen. I don’t know what. I got an idea. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: You gotta think with the way how PBMs are right now, there’s gotta be some positive changes in that area. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Well, he already, he’s already on record. And middlemen are ridiculous. And when Trump says something…We all know, I mean he usually follows through. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yeah, so let’s hope it’s gonna be good. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: We’ll have a bunch of content on that this year. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yeah, obviously is every time that there’s an update, we will be here to talk about it. Keep everyone updated. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: But most of our updates will be coming through our new Master of the Margin membership. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yes, very exciting. Tell us about that Scotty. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Yeah we’re gonna have a new monthly membership for a low cost. I’m not sure what that cost will be, but it’ll be very affordable, extremely affordable. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Especially for the information that we’ll be giving out. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Exactly. And so we’ll have a monthly newsletter to start with that and then access to a couple of our in-depth podcasts on accounting and tax topics. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: And let’s be clear, if you’re already a Sykes Client, this will come with your, yeah, this, you get this stuff anyway, which you’re getting this stuff anyway if you’re having your monthly calls with us today. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Yeah, if you’re already a client, you’ll get the automatic… 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: I love the town halls. Live? 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP: Yep.  

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yep. Love doing the lives. It’s great when you can, hopefully we’ll do them at times people are available or more readily available and then people can kind of interact during it as well. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP: And then, so I’ll have some more specific, kind of like “how to do” podcasts, so to speak, where you get real granular into stuff. We will have quarterly town halls to discuss. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Those are always good. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: I believe we’re going to have a little community chat thing too as well so everybody can lean on each other. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yep, absolutely. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: So that’s what that’s gonna be. It’s gonna be exciting. We’re gonna try and put a lot of value in there for 30, 40, 50 bucks, whatever it’s gonna be a month, something like that. And then we’ll also add some resources in there as we come across them or develop them, templates, articles of interest and things that are applicable to pharmacy, accounting tax, business, those kinds of things. A buy/sell podcast, again, where you get a little granular into the mechanics there. The Bottom Line podcast will still be free, Bonnie. People will have all access they want to the Bottom Line for free. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Yeah, that’s right. That’s right. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: One day, one day we’ll be like, this episode is sponsored by… 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Everybody asks. People always ask. How come y’all don’t do sponsorships? 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Well, I think we have to get to a certain level of subscribers to get to, yes, yes you do. Well, of course, but well, that’s true. But I don’t think we’re having anybody knocking the doors down for sponsorships yet. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: No, no, no, no, no. The answer is we don’t have, we don’t do conflicts, you know? That’s it. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Maybe I don’t get those emails. I’m not aware that we were that popular. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: I’ve heard… You don’t get those inquiries. This is the most popular podcast in the country. What did you knock down from everything? Everybody wants a part of 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: You just don’t know it because we don’t have conflicts of interest, so we don’t. We don’t have. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: That way we can talk freely about vendors and if we like somebody we can tell you we like them. If we see it works, we tell you it works. If they’re paying us, it’s kind of a little different. You might recommend something that maybe not as very good, but you’re recommending it because they’re paying you. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yeah, this is true. I just think we could do things like, know, specific drinks and things like that. They don’t have anything to do with pharmacy, if they wanted to sponsor. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Snapple or something. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Today’s episode is sponsored by Snapple. One day. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: But that is something that is in this industry, is those conflicts with vendors. And there was a organization that had a lot of conflicts and it didn’t pan out for that organization a long time, several years ago. We never… 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: What I’m super proud of here at Sykes is we do, I mean, we really just try to deliver the information, put it together, deliver the information to our clients and have discussions about what works and what doesn’t. And what we see other pharmacies that work for them and put them in contact, like we talked about the community with, you know, you’re having this issue, we have another client that has this issue, you guys talk. It’s really not about us, you know, tying ourselves to any specific vendor. That’s just the way we do it. It worked for us, I guess. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Yeah. And let’s see, we just got back from the Vital Care Conference. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yeah, it was very, very fun, very interesting. Infusion is big. Yep. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: It was very interesting. Infusion is a growing space, no doubt about it. There’s more drugs that are new drugs coming out are infusion drugs. A lot of growth in this area. We’re definitely seeing it where we sit, Bonnie. And yeah, infusion is, it’s a different animal, 100% different animal. They call them infusion pharmacies, but it’s home healthcare really. It’s high touch. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: It is, well it is home health care, but also the suites. But yeah, again, it’s that diversifying all these different types of revenue across the board. But that was a great conference. Great to meet a lot of the people there. We’re gonna have a busy trade show year. Looks like coming up. Usually, we don’t hit a lot in the tax season for us time period, and we say that, but then we’ve already gone to one or two already this year and then we’ll be, I think there’s a couple more coming up in the next few months. So, we don’t, but all of a sudden, I don’t know.  

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Usually we don’t take anything during that. So we’re doing a AtriumX in February. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: I’m very excited, that’s the first time that Nicolette Mathey has done that with Atrium. So it’s her first show. Anybody hears about this and interested in attending, please reach out to her. Yeah. Very interactive it sounds like, which is super cool. Breakout sessions and things like that. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: They’re going to have a different model. It’s not going to be your normal trade shows like cohorts and then you pick the topics you want to talk to and get into those groups. That sounds pretty interesting. So, she’ll have that. What’s the other one we’re going to? Georgia Pharmacy Association speaking there. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yes. Yep. I’ll probably be heading out to the NCPA ownership workshop usually has one in March. Those dates haven’t been released yet, but anyone listening, if you’re looking at opening a pharmacy or purchasing a pharmacy, be on the look out for those dates. They usually do one in March and one in June ahead of the McKesson show and also in October ahead of NCPA trade show. So those will come up shortly, probably this week. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: And then we’ll have the APC compounding conference. Which we’ve been to some compounding conferences, not this one. I mean, obviously we work with a whole bunch of compounding. So. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yeah, new one. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: It’s only fitting that we expand our trade show portfolio with the supporting that conference and we’re excited to be a part of that. So that’s busy all being done during tax season. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Absolutely. And then all the big ones this summer. Yeah, that’s all during tax season. And then all the big wholesalers in the summer. Those shows. Already on the ticket, already ready for, already planned out, ready to go. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Pioneer is on that list in early June, I believe it is. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Absolutely. July. It’s gonna be busy as always. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Think we got some gigs on the Pharmacy Podcast Network coming up. So like I said, it’s gonna be a busy year in terms of trade shows, but also this content with what the changes that are gonna be coming. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yep. Yeah, it’s hard. So people don’t probably realize that when we do some of the CE, some of these shows, you know, they want us to kind of give them an idea of what we’re speaking about, make some slides, do that like way ahead of time. Sometimes with this year, we’re going to have to probably be like, subject to change. Yeah, because we want to make sure whatever we’re speaking about is up to date as we can possibly get it. And definitely there’s going to be changes that are going to be hitting… 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Yeah. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Constant. So, we may have to do some updating to those slides that we 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Well, they’re shooting. I know Trump has said May for the tax changes. Boy, that would be nice. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Right. Yeah, and everyone knows whether regardless of your political affiliations, you know, Trump is definitely pro small business, pro-business. So, you got to believe that a lot of these changes are going to be beneficial to the independent pharmacy arena. I would certainly guess. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: I would certainly lean that way. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: But that’s the hope. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Yeah, well hopefully, you know, hopefully it doesn’t come down to the wire in December 22nd then it’s retroactive and all that crap. Hopefully Congress hopefully Congress gets their stuff together with… 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: It always makes it fun for us. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: The leadership they got in there now and I don’t know, but we’ll see. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yeah, let’s hope. And of course it’s January, so like we mentioned, It’s tax season. So regardless of if you’re a client of ours or someone else’s, it’s time to be doing all those year-end items, 1099s, we’re wrapping those up. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: So, it’s 1099 season right now. If you don’t know what a 1099 is… 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: You got a couple days to figure it out. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: You better look it up. Make sure you’re doing those, and you’ve got somebody doing them because penalties are excessive if you get busted not doing them when you should be. So, 1099 season is here, and you know the best practice for 1099s folks. And this is like Master The Margin… 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Give you a little sneak peek. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: But best practice for 1099s is get the W9, which is the information, you fill out the form, name, address, tax ID, you know, get that form before you pay these vendors a check or cash or whatever so that when it’s time to do 1099s, you got the information… 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: They haven’t skipped town and you’re trying to track them down because that always happens. You may not see them again. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Right. Once you pay them, you may not see them again. And then here comes, you know, I can’t get the W9, I can’t file 1099. So don’t do that. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Best practice. Just get it ahead of time. You want your check? Give me your W9. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: When you look at any business that’s really got it together, fill out my W-9 first. I mean, that’s just the way it is. You want to be a professional business, you want to do things right, you want to do things the way it should be done, get the W-9 first, then pay. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: If you want to get paid, fill out the W9. And then we’re gonna be heading into corporate tax returns. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Yes. So corporate returns is coming up. Yep. That’s next. That’s already worked on a couple so far. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: That’s the next big thing. Me too, started one yesterday, it felt good. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Get them done. Get them done. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: We’re dorks. Like yes, it’s extra, but get it done ahead of time. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: You know, last year we had that extra day with Leap Day. Which is a big deal. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: We did. It doesn’t sound like a lot to some people one extra day, but it’s a big deal. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: It’s a big deal for tax nerds. An extra day. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: And then of course into personal returns. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: So. Now I like personal. Corporate? Nah, I don’t like it. Personal? I love personal. I love tax planning. I love individual 1040. Love it. My favorite. I’ll do them all.  

Bonnie Bond, CPA: I’ll do the corporate, you can do the personal. I don’t wanna, I cannot stand a 1040. No way.  

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: You do all my corporate returns. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Fine, I’ll do the corporate returns. I’ll need more than an extra day for leap year if I have to do all the corporate returns. I’m glad we got good staff for that. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Yeah, it takes an army to do tax season. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: It is quite a process to do all this work, but everybody be kind to your CPAs and accountants during this time of year. They’re gonna be flooding you with questions, memos and questions about everything. Know that we have to ask a majority of those questions to cover ourselves and our insurance. That could be a problem if they’re just taking your word for everything, yes. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: And if you’re not getting questions from the CPA… 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: But truly, like we do have to, it’s a lot that we have to do and ask and checklists and… 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: There’s a lot of questions on the tax returns the IRS wants to know. You got Bitcoin transactions. It’s just what they ask. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yeah, yeah, we have to verify that we’ve asked and put it in the notes that we’ve asked. Foreign accounts, do you have a, we’re not just nosy, we have to ask. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Now those foreign accounts, another Master The Margin teaser here. You better be careful with those things. If you got any foreign account signature authority over a foreign account, I mean, you could have some reporting that is real expensive if you’re missing the ball on that in terms of penalties. So be careful. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I’ve got that problem.  

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: That house in the Bahamas. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: I’ve got lots of foreign accounts. I sold that last year. I wish anyway. Yeah, we’re the nerds this is one of our favorite times of year we get super excited. Ready to pound this stuff out. We work on it all year long Scotty We like to see how it all flows through and then compare it to our tax plan and make sure that it’s close. People don’t realize our tax plans are plans, they’re just that, they’re estimates. We do the best we can to estimate, to see how our clients are gonna fall. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: We did. I love tax season because you got final numbers. Tax planning is hard because you don’t. You’re putting in different what-ifs and then you’re kind of watching it going into the end of the year to make sure you’re hitting the target. Tax planning is extremely difficult and… 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: It is. It’s hard. It is. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Some of our peers, Bonnie. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Don’t do it. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Well, a lot of CPAs don’t do it. It’s hard. Some CPAs that do it charge like $50,000, crazy amounts of money to do it. We offer a tremendous value there, I believe. We eat it on tax planning. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yeah, and if you don’t know what we’re talking about, we’re talking about tax planning. Yeah, Tax planning, if you don’t do it or you don’t know what it is, it’s important. This is someone looking at your books, looking at your numbers and seeing how this is gonna affect you on a personal level when you do your 1040. So you should know by the end of the year, have a good idea right now what your tax situation will be when your 1040 is complete. If you’re getting a call from your CPA in April, you know the 14th telling you need to write a check for $30,000 and that’s a surprise to you? There’s an issue. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP: Absolutely. Pharmacy is a big business. These are big businesses. Pharmacists run some reputable big businesses. These are not hobby shops on the corner of your street. These are big businesses. You gotta run it like a big business. You gotta run it like a CEO. I mean, you gotta have your hand on the… 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yeah, and if you’re not doing it, 2025 is the year to start. So, it’s important to, there’s lots of things you can do when you’re in that process of tax planning towards that last kind of quarter of the year that you things you can do to mitigate tax that is owed, retirement plan options. There’s so many different things, accelerating some payments and expenses, talking to your trusted provider for tax and accounting on that and you know, there’s things you can do to help out. So, if you haven’t done it in the past, definitely have that discussion with your CPA. And Scotty, as we’re going into ’25, we might as well plug as well our Rx Assessment opportunity that we have here at Sykes. It’s a great time to, as you’re wrapping up your tax return this year for 24, if you’ve got any questions about things that possibly could be missed. Maybe you’re not having tax planning done at all or any of those kinds of discussions about the things we talk about on the podcast here. Maybe it’s a good time to start that Rx Assessment process that we offer. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: That gets into your specific situation where we kind of review the balance sheet and the profit and loss and tax and check under the hood, get you on a video call and walk through it. So that’s the Rx Assessment one-time deal there. If you’re a Master The Margin member in the coming months, you get a discount on that Rx Assessment if you’re a member of our Master The Margin. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yup, yup. Mm-hmm. Good deal. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: And the Master Margin, we’ll be expanding that as well. It’s going to start off as that newsletter and that video, those videos and live content, things like that, business community. But it will expand as well into other value-add services and other things we’re going to add to it. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yep. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: So, it could be a good fit for those that are just looking for just very basic, you know, make sure I’m doing things that I need to be doing, make sure I’m maximizing, you know, the back office, the accounting processes, tax situations. Good fit for that, for those looking for that. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: And if you just want to one time, yeah. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: We have a more. We have a lot more content on this. This is very preliminary right now. But. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: But what a great time to start in a new year to just jump in, have a checkup on your books and tax returns and things like that, see how it’s going, you know? And I just thought about it, we do have a sponsorship with my cup here, Sykes & Company cup. Maybe, just maybe, if you… 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Cool, Sykes is sponsoring today, okay. Nice. I have. Ducks unlimited. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: That cup looks like this little set of mugs that I had in my childhood home in the 80s. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: I’m not kidding you, this mug I think was an original mug from the 80s, 70s. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: It looks like I can still remember like seeing that we had like this wood little stand and it had like the things that hung, you know, they all hung there. It looked just like that. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Yeah, this is it. This is totally it and it’s a little small. I like big coffee mugs, put a lot of coffee in. But I made the coffee too strong today. It is phew… 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: I have a good idea. Well good, maybe you can plow through some returns this afternoon. I got an idea. This is just an idea on the spot. Maybe we could, if you sign up for a membership, you get a free cup. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP: Our first 50 members. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: First tip, first 50, get a free Sykes cup. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP: Should we? 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Just thinking. It’s a great cup. It’s a turbist. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Not a bad idea. We could do a drawing for our famous peanut basket. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Good idea too. Austin, Austin as you’re editing this podcast, you can decide if these are good ideas or not.  

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: I see now. Our clients know that, and our podcast guests and things like that, we send peanut baskets. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Oh man, those Christmas baskets. You know, every year we have this discussion, do we want to do something different this year? But then, Gosh, we just stick with the peanut baskets, our local peanut. Yeah, people love it. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: We’re in an old peanut mill. Like I’m in an old peanut mill right here. We have the best peanuts in the world in this part of North Carolina. So we have world-class peanuts and we send those peanut baskets. Maybe we could do some drawings for some peanut baskets. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: I think it’s a great idea. You sign up. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Thanks everybody for listening. We appreciate you being a part of our fun podcast and listening in. If you have got any topics of discussion, we’re always open for topics of discussion. Right, Bonnie? 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Absolutely, absolutely. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: We can expand on anything really. What are startup costs? You know those types of things. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Anything. Any guest recommendations? We’re still trying to get, there’s a few people we’re trying to get on the podcast in 2025, some goals we have set. Take us to the moon. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Well, we’re trying to get Trump on here once, not during tax season. We’ll see. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Now that would be awesome though if we could get his attention about these PBMs and have him on the podcast. We may have to accept sponsorships. Just saying. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: I don’t even know, man. If we got the president on here, any president. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Any president. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: We would be famous. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Then we can get a studio, an actual studio. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Yeah, maybe then we could upgrade our studio. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: I just want our viewers today, anybody that watches, you may just listen, but I have asked that we do it like a studio, but Scotty thinks that this is like iconic, just the background that we have right now is just our thing. The brick wall, your draw board behind you. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: No, no, I don’t. We’re building a studio right now. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: I know but more, but you did say that you do kind of like just the brick wall. You said this. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Well, the studio will be in this building with the…So you’ll have to come into the office. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Which is not a problem because it’s only 10 minutes. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: You’re way out there. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: You know how fast I drive though. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Dude, I thought Bonnie, I mean, I thought Carole was… 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Scotty always talks about Carole, his wife is a speedy driver. He said I could fall into that category as well.  

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: I think you got her beat in terms of speed. She just can’t see because she’s short. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: I need to ride with Carole some. I can’t imagine her being like a aggressive driver. But I hear the stories, so I need to check it out. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: My gosh, curb checks all the time. It’s like you the other day. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: We had to go to the airport. Scotty said I scratched my rim, which is not true. I just rolled over the curb with my tire. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: You nailed your…go look at your back right tire. That’s a heck of a…I guarantee it. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: I don’t want Clark to know that. He would be very upset. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: All your tires are all jacked up. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: I will say this in closing. This has been 15 years ago. I worked at the old Sykes office, the one that we used to have in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, on the water, which was kind of like a satellite office, but it was beautiful. It was on the waterway there, my office. I had just started working with Sykes a few years before that, and I went there to work with Sheila Anderson. He used to work with us, she was awesome.  

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: The legendary. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: The legendary Sheila Anderson. Anyway, I remember…That morning when I drove in the parking lot, I hit the curb, didn’t think anything of it and parked my car. And then when I went to leave that day, I mean, to the brim, just gone, I mean, completely flat from where I hit it. I slashed it. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Carole did that once. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: That was the only time that I’ve ever like time. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: I bet last year I bought like four tires for Carole. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: She can’t help it if she runs over something in the road. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP: Two or three of them she did run over the nail. Remember we had the hailstorm in there fixing every roof. So, two or three of them were nails, but one of them was she curb checked big time. Pop. 

Bonnie Bond, CPA: Yes, yes, everybody’s roof. Yes, the summer fall. There are so many great memes with that. I didn’t know that I need to start sending them to Carole. 

Scotty Sykes, CPA, CFP®: Alright, well, thanks everybody. 

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